VITALAGE 希望帶給客人度身訂造且具科學論證的個人化醫學美容治療,既有效又安全。客人會先由醫學顧問接見,瞭解所需。然後會見醫生,由醫生詳細解釋每項合適療程的細節、康復期、可能出現的併發症等,並替客人因應生活所需配合療程進度以達至最佳效果。於美麗的旅途上,我們承諾提供貼心優質的服務,並以前後照片見證每位客人美麗的演變。VITALAGE 極之重視對客人私隱及機密的保障,我們希望可以與客人共同創造熣燦的時光。

EMFACE™ Submentum
Removal of Double Chin
According to the 2023 ASDS (American Society for Dermatologic Surgery) survey on medical aesthetic treatments, as many as 79% of people are concerned about the problem of double chin fat, ranking among the top three or four most troublesome appearance worries! But having said that, double chins are not just caused by fat accumulation. It can be caused by skin laxity, muscle (Digastric Muscle) loss and weakened tone, or all of the above can exist at the same time.
EMFACE launches a comprehensive treatment plan for double chin. Its HIFES technology can accurately exercise the chin muscles, increase the muscle tension of the Digastric Muscle that dominates the double chin, and effectively tighten the jaw tissue; in addition, the enhanced version of simultaneous radiofrequency technology (SYNCHRONIZED RF+), which can reshape the skin's collagen and elastic fibers, tighten the chin skin, and its specific temperature can also heat the accumulated fat layer to the level of apoptosis. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Scanning) found that EMFACE Submentum treatment can reduce the volume of double chins by 31% and reduce fat mass by 13.6cc!