【EMSCULPT ™「增肌減脂」雙效儀】
人體組織 30-40% 由肌肉構成,脂肪約佔25%,但現今的儀器卻只針對脂肪或皮層,可以有效對付肌肉的幾乎完全未有! 著名英國儀器製造商 BTL 突破醫療科技,最新研發推出 EMSCULPT ™,為全球唯一「增肌減脂」雙效儀,獲美國 FDA、歐盟 CE 認證,能夠增肌同時減脂(1)!以獨家專利的 HIFEM ™ (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy) 科技,深入7cm直達肌肉層,達到超越人類體能的「極限肌肉鍛鍊」 (Supramaximal Contraction),半小時內肌肉收縮高達20,000次,進入同時溶脂及強化肌肉的新境界!9份國際醫學報告實證,2星期4次療程,肌肉增長16% (3,4,8,9),脂肪減少19% (2,3,4,9);最新研究證實,療程1年後增肌效果更提升至19% (8),超越運動所帶來的增肌減脂效果,持效塑出健美身形,維持緊實線條!躺著也能擁有人魚線、馬甲線、蜜桃臀和六塊腹肌,塑造完美身形。 請繼續留意 VITALAGE 專頁,VITALAGE 會為大家陸陸續續解構 HIFEM 技術! 想知道更多實用醫美及健康資訊,立即 LIKE VITALAGE 專頁,記得設定為搶先看(See First)啊! ———————————————————— 立即致電 (852)3184 6198 預約適合您的修身美學系統啦! 或到以下website登記專業個人分析 https://goo.gl/forms/ELYUbeMl5Xrx7O3A2 https://www.vitalage.hk https://www.facebook.com/vitalagehk https://www.instagram.com/vitalagehk
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*** 療程效果因人而異 ***
*Kent E. David, Jacob I. Carolyn. Computed tomography (CT) based evidence of simultaneous changes in human adipose and muscle tissues following a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) application: a new method for non-invasive body sculpting. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. #Brian Kinney M.D., David E Kent M.D. Long-Term Follow-up on Patients With HIFEM-Induced Abdominal Tissue Changes: MRI and CT Assisted Quantification of Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction, 2018 1. Weiss R., Bernardy J. Induction of fat apoptosis by a non-thermal device: safety and mechanism of action of non-invasive HIFEM technology evaluated in a histological porcine model. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. 2. Katz B., Bard R., Goldfarb R., Shiloh A., Kenolova D. Changes in subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness following High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) field treatments: A multi center ultrasound study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and 2018 Dallas, TX. 3. Kinney M. Brian, Lozanova Paula. High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) therapy evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Safety and efficacy study of a dual tissue effect based non-invasive abdominal body shaping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. 4. Kent E. David, Jacob I. Carolyn. Computed tomography (CT) based evidence of simultaneous changes in human adipose and muscle tissues following a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) application: a new method for non-invasive body sculpting. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. 5. Jacob C., Paskova K. A novel non-invasive technology based on simultaneous induction of changed in adipose and muscle tissues: Safety and efficacy of a high intensity focused electro-magnetic field device used for abdominal body shaping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. 6. Busso M., Denkova R. Efficacy of High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic field therapy when used for non-invasive buttocks augmentation and lifting: A clinical study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX. 7. Jacob C., Kinney B., Chilukuri S., McCoy JD, Bailey C., Denkova R. High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology (HIFEM) for non-invasive buttocks lifting and toning of gluteal muscles: A multi-center efficacy and safety study. Data on file. 8. Brian Kinney M.D., David E Kent M.D. Long-Term Follow-up on patients With HIFEM-Induced Abdominal Tissue Changes: MRI and CT Assisted Quantification of Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction, 2018 9. Brian M. Kinney, MD, MSME, FACS1 and Paula Lozanova, MD. High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy Evaluated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Safety and Efficacy Study of a Dual Tissue Effect Based Non-Invasive Abdominal Body Shaping, 2018