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AestheFill 精靈針

AestheFill 精靈針 

VITALAGE introduces a new generation of autologous collagen stimulator - AestheFill! Unlike ordinary dermal fillers, AestheFill can instantly see natural results after being injected into the skin's bottom layer, and will gradually induce collagen growth over time.


AestheFill is specially designed for the facial contours of Asians, highlighting our oriental beauty. Its patented technology of porous microspheres of polydioxanone (PDLLA) can attract fibroblasts in the skin to approach, providing a three-dimensional space for collagen growth, and can effectively and progressively induce the production of type I collagen in the skin, making the skin naturally plump.


Moreover, AestheFill treatment does not require special massage, which is more convenient, and the chance of nodules is very low, only 0.03%. AestheFill’s ingredients come from natural extracts of polymers (potatoes and corn), which will gradually decompose into lactic acid and glycogen in the body, and be metabolized through the body's metabolism, and finally decompose into water and carbon dioxide and excreted from the body. PDLLA has also been confirmed by the US FDA as a material that can be safely applied to the human body for a long time.


AestheFill autologous collagen has a soft and natural texture, which can smooth the facial contours, as well as lift the apple cheeks, fill the tear troughs, temples, cheeks, forehead, nasolabial folds, improve wrinkles and neck skin, and rebuild youthful contours.


AestheFill composition:

  • Poly-D,L-Lactic Acid (PDLLA) microspheres 154 mg

  • Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) 46 mg

AestheFill 精靈針
【直擊 AestheFill 精靈針治療過程】

【直擊 AestheFill 精靈針治療過程】

AestheFill 精靈針 ------ 自體膠原蛋白增生劑,其聚雙旋乳酸 (PDLLA) 的多孔性微球體專利技術,可吸引皮膚內的纖維母細胞靠近,提供膠原蛋白生長的立體空間,能長效漸進式地誘導促進皮膚第一型膠原蛋白增生,令肌膚自然豐盈。 AestheFill 精靈針治療後,無需特別按摩,較為方便,出現結節的機會率極低,只有0.03%。AestheFill 精靈針的成份來自純天然萃取的聚合物 (馬鈴薯和粟米) ,在體內會逐漸分解成乳酸和糖原,通過體內代謝作用,最終分解為水和二氧化碳排出體外。PDLLA更被美國FDA證實為,可長期安全應用於人體的材料。 Mandy 為何想處理她的面形輪廓呢?她早前試過注射透明質酸提升蘋果肌,效果滿意!為何這回會選擇AestheFill 精靈針呢?快啲click入去睇下了解更多啦! 想知道更多實用醫美及健康資訊,立即 LIKE VITALAGE 專頁,記得設定為搶先看(See First)啊! ———————————————————— 立即致電 (852)3184 6198 預約適合您的美學系統啦! 或到以下website登記專業個人分析 VITALAGE | 香港 Hong Kong | 中環 #VITALAGE #香港醫學美容 #日間醫療中心牌照 #DayProcedureCentre #AestheFill #精靈針 #自體膠原蛋白增生劑 #Biostimulator #PDLLA #聚雙旋乳酸 #青春輪廓
【AestheFill 精靈針輪廓重塑 | 第二天見得人嗎?】

【AestheFill 精靈針輪廓重塑 | 第二天見得人嗎?】

隨著年齡增長,不只皮膚會變薄,就連皮下組織、脂肪、骨骼等也會有所變化,日復日逐漸地造成輪廓的老化。像如眼角、臉頰、蘋果肌下垂;出現嘴邊肉、虎紋、木偶紋;面形失去飽滿感、順滑感、青春感;欠缺支撐產生凹陷等。 以上種種老化問題,並非改善皮膚就能解決得到,我們要從根基做起,重塑面形輪廓,重建青春美感。AestheFill 精靈針 ------ 自體膠原蛋白增生劑,其聚雙旋乳酸 (PDLLA) 的多孔性微球體專利技術,可以透過激活膠原再生,達致臉頰緊緻飽滿、改善黑眼圈、提升蘋果肌、填平臉部凹陷、撫平靜態皺紋等。 Mandy 決定選用AestheFill 來處理她的面形輪廓,包括淚溝、虎紋及面頰。究竟治療效果如何?第二天可以化妝嗎?見唔見得人呢?快啲click入去睇下了解更多啦! 想知道更多實用醫美及健康資訊,立即 LIKE VITALAGE 專頁,記得設定為搶先看(See First)啊! ———————————————————— 立即致電 (852)3184 6198 預約適合您的美學系統啦! 或到以下website登記專業個人分析 VITALAGE | 香港 Hong Kong | 中環 #VITALAGE #香港醫學美容 #日間醫療中心牌照 #DayProcedureCentre #AestheFill #精靈針 #自體膠原蛋白增生劑 #Biostimulator #PDLLA #聚雙旋乳酸 #青春輪廓 #淚溝 #虎紋 #面頰 #黑眼圈 #太陽穴
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