VITALAGE 希望帶給客人度身訂造且具科學論證的個人化醫學美容治療,既有效又安全。客人會先由醫學顧問接見,瞭解所需。然後會見醫生,由醫生詳細解釋每項合適療程的細節、康復期、可能出現的併發症等,並替客人因應生活所需配合療程進度以達至最佳效果。於美麗的旅途上,我們承諾提供貼心優質的服務,並以前後照片見證每位客人美麗的演變。VITALAGE 極之重視對客人私隱及機密的保障,我們希望可以與客人共同創造熣燦的時光。

Morpheus8 by INMODE
VITALAGE introduces the world-famous Morpheus8, developed by INMODE, a NASDAQ-listed medical aesthetic instrument company in United States. Morpheus8 uses gold microneedling technology to enable bipolar radiofrequency to accurately reach different depths of the skin to lift and tighten the face, neck and body. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles; Improves acne, sunken scars, etc. In addition to the above benefits, Morpheus8 can also target difficult to treat problems such as droopy eyelids, neck lines, weak neck skin, stretch marks, cellulite, and sagging belly.
Morpheus8 can perform segmented bipolar radiofrequency therapy at different depths with a programmable penetration force of 1-7 mm, depending on the configuration, patient's skin condition and physician's experience. Different from the general microneedling radiofrequency, a single treatment of Morpheus8 can reach a depth of three layers under the skin, so the effect is significantly faster. In addition, the high-end precision technology of Morpheus8 greatly shortens the recovery period, reduces the impact on daily life, and reduces the risk of post-treatment pigmentation.
During the aging process, Asians often accumulate more fat on their faces, and this fat accumulation tends to be concentrated in the jawline, nasolabial folds, and cheek area. Asian faces are exposed to greater gravity due to weaker bone support, heavier skin tissue, larger cheekbone fat, thicker skin and shorter chins. It can be seen that Asians need more tissue suspension and soft tissue bracing to form a youthful facial contour. INMODE's Morpheus8 provides us with a suitable treatment option to rejuvenate our youthful contours!